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Complaints Procedure

We need to know if you are not satisfied so that we can improve our service.


We are committed to treating complaints seriously and to responding promptly and fairly. Every complaint is an opportunity to look carefully at how we do things and to see if we can improve the way we provide New Zealand homes with the best energy efficiency solutions available In investigating the complaint our aim is to achieve a mutually satisfactory conclusion and, where appropriate, take action to ensure the situation does not arise again.

It is helpful if complaints are received as soon as possible after the event.


How do I complain?
If you are unhappy about how you were treated:


  • In the first instance, we suggest you take your concerns directly to the person who provided the service to you by talking or writing to them. The complaint will hopefully then be resolved to your satisfaction.

  • If you are still not satisfied or you do not feel able to talk to them, you may write a letter or speak to our Complaints Officer. Brittaney Holmes, who is the person responsible for overseeing satisfactory resolution of complaints in our Business at

  • Alternatively, you could put your complaint into the 'suggestion box, but you will need to include your name etc if you wish to be advised of the outcome of your complaint.

  • Within the Ecohome program website on our Contact page

If you have a concern, complaint or a grievance there is a process to give you a voice.

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